2024年11月12日,语言科技公司YepZan!创始人Della Chen在迪拜会见华为中东发展部负责人徐良栋(Xu Liangdong),双方就中东市场开拓策略展开深度交流,并正式达成战略合作。华为云承诺提供资源支持与技术赋能,加速该企业AI语言学习产品在中东地区的落地推广。
On November 12, 2024, Della Chen, founder of language technology company YepZan!, met with Xu Liangdong, Head of Huawei Middle East Development in Dubai. The discussion focused on market entry strategies for the Middle East, culminating in a strategic partnership. Huawei Cloud has committed to providing resource support and technical empowerment to accelerate the deployment of YepZan!'s AI-powered language learning products across the region.
The discussion emphasized the unique characteristics of the Middle Eastern market. Huawei recommended enhancing government and enterprise collaborations while boosting brand visibility through participation in regional tech summits like GITEX and LEAP. To strengthen market access, Huawei specifically suggested YepZan! apply for its Startup Support Program, which offers dedicated marketing resources and customized technical discounts for businesses targeting Saudi Arabia and UAE markets.
Under Huawei Cloud's Startup Support Program, YepZan! will benefit from flexible pricing models and cutting-edge technical resources, particularly supporting the implementation of big data, AI, and short video technologies. Huawei Cloud will also facilitate connections with leading free zones including DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre), DIC (Dubai Internet City), and Jafza (Jebel Ali Free Zone), helping YepZan! leverage policy advantages and market resources.
值得关注的是,华为中东生态发展负责人陈景钊(Chen Jingzhao)将亲自协助YepZan!开展客户对接与商机挖掘。通过融入华为生态能力中心,YepZan!致力于在区域科技生态圈建立深度连接,实现产品价值增长与中东市场版图扩张的双重目标。
Notably, Chen Jingzhao, Huawei's Middle East Ecosystem Development Leader, will personally assist YepZan! in client engagement and business opportunity exploration. By integrating into Huawei's Ecosystem Capability Center, YepZan! aims to establish profound connections within the regional tech ecosystem, pursuing dual objectives of product value enhancement and market expansion in the Middle East.